Agricultural, forest and food products

发布时间:2016/12/16 点击

Soft woods:

AHTECH independently operates the logs of Douglas fir, hemlock, spruce, yellow cedar and red cedar imported from North American countries, and the timber boards of white pine, pine and spruce exported by Russia and other European countries.

Contact us:

John Wang


Hard woods:

AHTECH independently operates dried plates of hard woods imported from North American countries, including red oak, white oak, ash, tulip (boxwood), hard maple, soft maple, cherry, black walnut, red birch, and pacific maple.

Contact us:

Ella Hu

Tel:+86-551-65101062     +86-17705655713




AHTECH deputizes and independently distributes cotton imported from Australian, India, American, West Africa and Brazil.

        Contact us:

        Yunong Shi


Tapioca chips:

AHTECH deputizes and independently distributes imported tapioca chips and slices originally from Thailand, Vietnam, Kampuchea and African countries.

       Contact us:

      Jack Yang

       Tel:+86-551-65101207  +86- 13965057980